Quelle heure est-il?
Chapter 11 - Time and date
"What time is it?" in French is "Quelle heure est-il?" . Asking for time or answering this question is easy.
Most of the time, French people use a 24-hour time format. So, 1pm is rather 13 heures (treize heures). Some examples:
Time is written in a HHhMM format and a French day can be divided into 5 parts:
5h - 12h | le matin or la matinée |
12h - 14h | le midi |
14h - 18h | l'après-midi |
18h - 23h | le soir |
23h - 5h | la nuit |
Sometimes, French use a 12-hour time format to insist on the time.
Let's answer the basic question: "Quelle heure est-il ?"...
Current time, in Paris, is : "il est "
"Il est" is impersonal. Nobody is represented by "il", just like in English when you say "it is 8 o'clock".